- #1 Vicryl x3
- #2 Stratafix Spiral PDO x 1
- #2-0 Vicryl x 2
- #3-0Vicryl x 1
- Staples for skin
- #2 PDS for MAKO Acetabular and femoral Mako check point screws
- Marcaine 100mg ( 0.5% Marcaine 20ml or 0.25% Marcaine 40 ml)
- Toradol 30 mg (15 mg if over 70 years old or poor renal function)
- Morphine with epinephrine 4mg
- Add Saline and mix up to 60 ml ( total 60 ml liquid for injection )
- 16 gauge needle, cut off needle protector (CHECK Allergy for medications)
1/8” Hemovac drain x1
Common Instruments or requirments:
- Methylene Blue (If Mako THA)
- Ortho Impactors
- Manual leg length measurement set
- Charnley pin
- Grasper x1
- Ronguer x3
- Hibbs Retractor x2
- Rake retractor x2
- Osteotome: straight and Curved – 1/8, ¼ , 3/8”
- Standard and Long Bovie
- Long handle Blade
Supine Position
- 3 EKG Leads and 2 Tegaderms
- Check the leg length
Lateral position
- Hip Grip II positioner
- Accessory Roll
- “U” Drape
- Retractors: (see attached picture)
- 1, 2, 3 and 4: Hohmann Acetabular Retractor
- 5 and 6: Curved Blade Bent Hohmann retractor (use for Posterior Acetabular and femoral neck)
- 7: Double Bent Bend Hohmann Retractor (Anterior acetabular)
- 8L and 9R: Posterior Capsule and sciatic Nerve Protection retractor (L for left and R for right)
- Femoral Neck Elevates ( Long Handle)
- Pelvic Array Placement
- Three Pin Pelvic Clamp, 3 short Threaded pins (Long ping for super thicker subcutaneous tissue)
- Methylene Blue, #15 Blade
- Drill, Screw Driver
- Pelvic Arrow
- Incision (Posterior hip approach)
- Posterior hip approach w/ #20 Blade
- Fascia and muscle incises w/Bovie
- Suction to the assistant
- Flex knee and internal rotate hip
- No 3 Retractor for greater trochanter muscle
- Pick-ups and Bovie to incise the capsule into joint
- Periosteal elevator
- 6 Retractor for femoral neck
- Insert Charnley pin with Mallet
- Insert Acetabular check point screw, W/screw Driver and Mallet
- Insert femoral check point screw , W/screw Driver and Mallet
- Insert Pin at above acetabulum for manual measurement, blade and mallet
- Place the legs at same position
- USE Leg Length Measure to check preop Leg Length and offset. Do not dissemble The Measure tool
- Place Pelvic Array
- Use Probe to tough femoral check point and anterior patellar EKG lead
- Dislocate hip
- Place No. 2 and 6 retractors at superior and inferior neck.
- Paper ruler to measure the neck cut
- Oscillating Saw Blade to cut femoral neck
- 3/8” osteorome and Mallet if appicable
- Remove the femoral head
- Measure the size of the head.
- Femoral preparation
- Periosteal elevator for femoral neck
- Place No. 3 retractor at Greater Trochanter, Femoral neck retractor to Femoral neck and No. 6 to Neck corner
- Hip at maximum internal rotation and abduction
- Pick-ups and Bovie to remove soft tissue
- Optional Large ronguer (if applicable)
- removal of the lateral cortical bone W/ Modular Box Osteotome and mallet
- The Axial Starter Reamer W/ T-Handle
- Lateralized reamer with power
- Broaching from size 0 to Max with Broach handle and Mallet
- Remove broach
- Remove the retractors.
- Acetabular Preparation
- 3 retractor at anterior acetabulum,
- No 7 retractor / W Mallet. Remove No. 2 retractor
- Optional: Long handle Blade
- 6 retractor at posterior acetabulum W/ Mallet
- No 4 retractor inferior to transversal ligament
- Bovie with long tip with Grasper
- Long handle Blade
- Clean the acetabulum
- Acetabular Registration, Reaming and impacting cup
- Probe to touch acetabular check point twice
- Register acetabular bone following computer monitor
- Single reamer W/ Mako Robot
- Acetabular trial W/ Mallet
- Place slurring bone into acetabulum
- Insert Metal shell w/ MAKO Robot W/ Mallet
- Cup Plane W/ probe
- Impact final acetabular liner into metal shell.
- Trial
- Place No. 3 retractor at Greater Trochanter, Femoral neck retractor to Femoral neck and No. 6 to Neck corner
- Hip at internal rotation and abduction
- Insert the broacher W/ Mallet
- Impact Neck and femoral head trial
- Reduce the hip with traction, external rotation and extension W/ Kocher and impactor
- Place the legs at same position
- Use Probe to tough femoral check point and anterior patellar EKG lead
- USE Leg Length Measure to check preop Leg Length and offset. Do not dissemble The Measure tool
- Dislocation, remove neck and head, remove Broacher W/ Mallet
- Place No. 3 retractor at Greater Trochanter, Femoral neck retractor to Femoral neck and No. 6 to Neck corner
- Hip at internal rotation and abduction
- Impacted Final stem W/Mallet
- Impact final head W/ impactor and Mallet
- Reduce the hip
- Place the legs at same position
- Use Probe to tough femoral check point and anterior patellar EKG lead
- USE Leg Length Measure to check preop Leg Length and offset. Do not dissemble The Measure tool
- Optional: after impact final femoral stem, may trial femoral head. Reduction , ten final femoral head
- Remove all pins
- Close capsule
- #1 Vicryl suture x2
- 3 retractor at greater trochanter
- Hibbs Retractor for Posterior Capsula
- Hip is at slight internal rotation position
- W/ hemostatic forceps x2
- Injections:
- Remove Trials
- Inject Marcaine, Toradol and morphine with epinephrine with Saline up to 60 ml W/ 16 gauge needle , cut off needle protector (CHECK Allergy)
- Close of Incision
- Insert 1/8 “ Hemovac Drain with Plier
- #1 Vicryl suture for Fascia and muscle
- #2 Stratafix Spiral PDO suture for the retinaculum
- # 2-0 Vicryl suture for subcutaneous tissue (#1 Vicryl with Large Needle if thicker subcutaneous tissue )
- Running #4-0 Monocryl suture
- Staples for skin
- Sterile dressing