I. See Also
- Pharmacology: Metabolism of Opioids
- Codeine: Metabolizes to Hydrocodone and morphine
- Heroin: Metabolizes to 6-MAM and then to Morphine
- Morphine and Hydrocodone: metabolize to Hydromorphone
- Preparations: Acute pain IV Narcotics (equivalent to Demerol 50 IV)
- Morphine 4 mg IV (2 mg IV in elderly)
- Hydromorphone 0.5 mg IV (0.25 mg IV in elderly)
- Fentanyl 50 mcg IV (25 mcg IV in elderly)
- Preparations: Ineffective Oral Opioids (Not recommended)
- Darvocet N-100 (Acetaminophen 650, Propoxyphene 100)
- Dose: 1 PO q4-6 hours
- Propoxyphene 100 equivalent to Codeine 32 mg
- Efficacy
- Tylenol alone is as effective as Darvocet
- Propoxyphene can cause serious arrhythmias
- Tylenol #3 (Acetaminophen 300, Codeine 30)
- Dose: 1-2 PO q4-6 hours
- Efficacy
- Acetaminophen is a safe and effective Analgesic
- Codeine is no more effective than standard NSAIDs
- Naprosyn is as effective in post-operative pain
- Ouellette (1986) Curr Ther Res 39(5):839
- Busquets (1988) Curr Ther Res 43(2):311
- Codeine offers no significant benefit to Tylenol
- Adding Codeine to Tylenol increases adverse effects
- Codeine 60 mg equivalent to Aspirin 650 mg
- Non-responders to Codeine: 10% of patients
- Lack endogenous enzyme to convert to Morphine
- Darvocet N-100 (Acetaminophen 650, Propoxyphene 100)
- Preparations: Oral Narcotics by Strength
- Weak Opioids (WHO Step 2)
- Vicodin (Hydrocodone 5, Acetaminophen 500)
- Dose: 1-2 PO q4-6 hours
- Hydrocodone 10 mg equivalent to Codeine 60-80 mg
- Vicoprofen (Hydrocodone 7.5, Ibuprofen 200)
- Dose: 1-2 PO q4-6 hours
- Tramadol (Ultram)
- Dose: 50-100 mg PO q4-6 hours
- Tramadol 50 mg equivalent to Codeine 60 mg
- Higher cost, but less effective than other Opioids
- Inferior to Vicodin for analgesia
- Vicodin (Hydrocodone 5, Acetaminophen 500)
- Strong Opioids (WHO Step 3)
- Percocet (Acetaminophen 325, Oxycodone 5)
- Dose: 1 PO q6 hours
- Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
- Dose: 2 mg PO q4-6 hours
- Morphine Sulfate (MSIR, MS Contin)
- Fast Release: 15 to 30 mg PO q4 hours
- Sustained Release (MS Contin): 30 mg PO q8-12 hours
- Fentanyl Lollipop (100 ug, 200 ug, 300 ug, 400 ug)
- Dose: 5 to 15 ug/kg (maximum 400 ug)
- Methadone (Dolophine)
- Dose: 15 to 60 mg PO q6 to 8 hours
- Percocet (Acetaminophen 325, Oxycodone 5)
- Weak Opioids (WHO Step 2)
- Preparations: Oral Narcotics by Duration
- Short acting Opioids
- Percocet PO every 6 hours
- MSIR 10 mg PO every 4 hours
- Hydromorphone 4 mg PO every 4 hours
- Vicodin PO every 6 hours
- Darvocet N-100 PO every 6 hours
- Long acting Opioids
- Methadone 20 mg PO every 8 hours
- Morphine Sulfate
- Controlled release (MS Contin) 30 mg PO q12 hours
- Sustained release (Oramorph) PO q8-12 hours
- Sustained release (Kadian) PO q12-24 hours
- Extended release (Avinza) PO q24 hours
- Oxycodone (OxyContin) 20 mg PO every 12 hours
- Short acting Opioids
- Preparations: Equivalent Narcotic Doses (for comparison only)
- Fentanyl (Sublimaze) 20 mcg per hour IV or transdermal
- Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 1.5 mg IV (7.5 mg orally)
- Methadone 2.5 mg IV (5 mg orally)
- Conversion ratio to morphine is variable per dose
- See Methadone for conversion ratios
- Oxymorphone 10 mg orally
- Oxycodone 20 mg orally
- Morphine 10 mg IV (30 mg orally)
- Hydrocodone 30 mg orally
- Nalbuphine (Nubain) 10 mg IV
- Meperidine (Demerol) 75 mg IV (300 mg orally)
- Codeine 120 mg IV (200 mg orally)
- Preparations: Transdermal Narcotics
- Preparations: Rectal Narcotics
- General
- Do not use lubricant to insert (decreased absorption)
- Morphine suppository or tablet 10 to 30 mg rectally q4h
- MS Contin 30 mg rectally every 12 hours
- Available preparations: 15, 30, 60, 100, 200 mg
- General
- Preparations: Adjunctive medications
- Alternative non-Narcotics
- Stool Softeners or Laxatives
- Protocol: Adjusting Narcotic Dosing
- Dosing: Maximal effective doses in Chronic Pain
- Immediate release agents
- One to two tablets up to 4 times daily
- Sustained release agents
- References
- Immediate release agents
- References
- Dachs (2003) AAFP Board Review, Seattle
- (2000) Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia
- (2000) Med Lett Drugs Ther 42(1085):73-8